segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008


In this post I go answer the questions of Camila Borges!
She asked me about the food I liked, what my hobbies and what clothes I liked.

Let’s answer!
I love pasta, fruit and sweets! All types of fruits I love, I think because when I was child my grandmother had a lot of plants like orange tree, strawberries, araçá, goiaba, manga and others. I really love make different types of pastas and eat a lot!
Here, in my blog, there are recipes of sweets that I like to do!
On my free time, I like cook, read and sew! Also I like do a lot of different things, however I don't have time to do all. I wear comfortable clothes that provide a life happy.

At the last post, Mary asked me how is the situation with organic foods in my country and if health food was readily available and affordable.

Well, I think, in Brasil we just have organics food if we produced or going to a special types of marked with is possible buy! In street market I believe there more than organics food.
Thanks os the comments in last port!


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